Счетоводство и финансови консултации
Tax preparation
We will processing all payment orders, notifications and tax returns in accordance with the established regulatory deadlines. We will conduct an inspection with representatives of the tax administration in connection with general and thematic inspections.
Tax refund
Rely on us for the tax planning of your business and the legal optimization of your company's taxes. We strictly follow all changes in the legal provisions and the legal framework in order to offer an adequate service of the highest quality.
Our team of accounting experts operates with documents for various institutions, prepares reports on the company's activities, posts primary documents and compiles secondary ones. We offer flexible solutions for every business.
Accounting in Italian, English, Russian, French, Turkish.
We will prepare for you all the necessary documents and payrolls, memos, vacations and sick leave. We will present all available information about the insured persons in the register of the National Social Security Institute, after the preparation of proper documentation by us.
Opening accounts
Our consultants will help you to open bank accounts in Bulgaria, Malta, Turkey, etc .. You can trust completely, you will be prepared all the necessary documentation and the opening of your accounts will be done quickly and correctly. Be Welcome to our world.
Banking and financial consulting
Banking consulting, or obtaining loans, banking instruments (SBLC, BG). We have the right team and institutions, with the right consultants to support you in getting a loan or financing for your business.
Salaries and insurance of employees
We comply with all mandatory deadlines and monitor changes in legislation on the rights and obligations of employees and self-employed persons. We prepare the necessary documents and make registrations in the relevant institutions.
Administrative service
We can take care of your business - communication with your customers, preparation of documents, contracts and everything you need for your business, contact with institutions and ministries, according to the activities of your company.
Company registration
Preparation of all documents and contracts for registration of companies, notary, submission of documents and receipt of BULSTAT number, as well as registration under VAT number.
Real estate for sale
Продажба на имоти в северен Кипър. Всеки от вас, който през последните няколко години е използвал сайт за недвижими имоти в търсене на имот за продан или за наемане, се е сблъскал с хаоса от неактивни обяви, фалшива информация и т.н. Кажете “Край!” на неприятното суетене